By Marshall Reed I am pleased to announce and post the first article on our series dedicated to Getting Better at Gaming. In recent years interest in competitive gaming has exploded worldwide. Games like Fortnite, League of Legends, Overwatch, COD have global tournaments and or leagues that anyone playing the game has a shot to get into. Tournaments and leagues to find the best players in the world and pit them against each other.
The competition is fierce and unrelenting you need to have eyes in the back of your head. Since we don't have them we strive for continuous improvement in our training. We emphasize working hard everyday to better oneself and offer training, tips, tricks and techniques to see this improvement. If your just starting out, playing pubs, ready to compete in league play or stuck on the ladder climb we are here for you! Fornite, League of Legends and Overwatch's success among others have helped make gaming more mainstream and gave streaming, youtube and many other careers related to gaming a boost. And all of that has brought more players in to the competition more players into the arena. We cover game mechanics, weapons and tactics, teamwork teamwork teamwork and everything else you need to win more! League play, tournaments, or public matches we increase your skills and confidence and get you in the winning mindset. Win More! Know the ways to win with Get Better At Gaming. Check out our articles and videos on youtube at Get Better At Gaming that cover these topics.
Apex Legends released February 4th, 2019 and recently Respawn Entertainment celebrated its first birthday by releasing Season 4 on Feb 4th, 2020 with several changes including a new weapon and a new character, Revenant. Respawn also updated several areas on the map, brought back King’s Canyon, added a new rank in ranked mode and it reset the rankings so new players have chance to become predators. You can find all the patch notes on EA’s website. Now is a great time to jump into Apex Legends.
Perhaps the most high-profile addition in Season 4 has been the long-debated question of who the new character will be. With a spectacular animated short launch for a character from Titanfall named “Forge” Revenant made a decisive entrance by killing Forge. There is also anew bolt-action sniper rifle that you can charge with a shield battery to make the next 5 shots break armor regardless of where you hit them. Notably season 4 added the master rank to ranked play and predator rank is now held only by the top 500 players worldwide, not the top 500 on each platform. This makes the Predator rank even more difficult to attain even more sought after. Apex legends is a battle royale that’s all about teamwork. Communication is key and Apex's ping ability is truly cutting edge. Teammates can instantly mark(ping), guns and ammo, armor as well as locations to go to or be wary of and most critical of all being able to mark an enemy player or team's exact location for bombardment. Apex also communicates for players, the legends have recorded dialogue they will say, if they are shot at, if they down and enemy player, finish a squad or when another squad is attacking. 60 players drop on 20-three-person fireteams, in which you choose from 12 available legends to become the Apex Champions. When the game started there were eight legends, Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith and Bangalore were instantly available while Caustic and Mirage were locked. You can unlock them by playing and getting (coins) like experience or purchase them with Apex Coins bought through the store. Since Season 0, four legends have been added Octane, Watson, Crypto, Revenant. Each legend has 3 unique abilities, a passive, a tactical and an ultimate. All legends have 100 health points, but some have higher defense like Gibraltar and Caustic who aren’t slowed by bullet damage with lower speed or higher speed with lower defense like Wraith or Lifeline who take an increase of 5% to damage. (For details on each legend and their abilities check out this article/video). Each legend has a wide variety of skins and banners to show off, medals and badges to brag about one’s accolades and achievements with as well as and several quips and kill quips to humiliate the enemy with. (after you have shown who is better) Get out there and hunt down the competition, be aggressive and smart. Push with your team and communicate. If you or your teammates are killed Apex has some forgiveness whoever survives can grab the banner and take it to a revive station and get you back in the fight but beware you won’t have any gear. If you want more info on the game check out one of our videos or another article. Good Luck and Have Fun. By: Marshall Reed |
AuthorMarshall Reed has been playing games for 20 years however life has kept him busy. Now he has bought a dwelling and can focus on gaming full time. ArchivesCategories